I earned my PhD in 2014 and have been working in communications ever since. I apply my my deep understanding of the scientific process to my communications projects by identifying desired outcomes, researching what works, experimenting with communications methods, and analyzing project results to inform future efforts.
Training scientists and coaching developing science communicators is particularly fulfilling for me. I will always look to center justice and equity in my work and seek out opportunities to invest in community.

I grew up outdoors in Kentucky. After reading A Ring of Endless Light, in which the heroine saves sick dolphins by talking to them with her mind, I decided it would be pretty neat if that were my job. By the time I realized that dolphin telepathy wasn't a real career, I was thoroughly hooked on the ocean, so for a while I researched the ocean to save the world. I graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2007 and received my PhD in Ecology from the University of Georgia in 2014.
Near the end of my PhD, I decided that I didn't want to add to the huge body of excellent research already in the world; I wanted to help people find and use science to make good decisions for themselves, which are good decisions for the planet (since we depend on the Earth for literally everything).
Since then, I've spent my time building communities and connecting people with science. I have extensive experience articulating communications strategies, developing digital content, meaningfully engaging with strangers, and learning from quantitative analytics.
I am an award-winning storyteller who is unstoppably and loudly enthusiastic about how science makes life better. Since earning my Ecology Ph.D. in 2014, I have worked to diversify how people interact with science online. I create digital products, sculpt communities, design communications strategies, and train scientists to identify and meet their communications goals. My outputs span platforms and include a science fashion campaign on Instagram, livestreamed interviews on YouTube, and all-day chats on Reddit. I most recently experimented with community-building from an Antarctic icebreaker, when I built a Whatsapp group that got Snoop Dogg to stop in and say hi.
You can read even more details about my career path at these two links:​
Ecological Society of America's #MySciComm interview on how I shifted from science into SciComm
Naturejobs blog post about why I found it hard to leave academia