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I get asked a lot where folks can go to find other science communicators, especially with the implosion of X (Twitter ðŸ˜­). Community isn't just so we can have more fun, it helps us take care of ourselves and each other in very real ways. So I'm very excited to have this page on my website.


There are 3 ways that I find community, as outlined below. Contact me if you think there's a community space I should put on this page!



I do not personally pursue science writing-specific community, so the lists below are light on writing-centered places. I recommend that folks start with the National Association of Science Writers and The Open Notebook if you're in the USA looking for writer communities. (And don't sleep on The Open Notebook's Science Writers Database if you want to find or forge community with specific people!)


*Note 2:

If you're in Europe, you should look at this very extensive list of "groups, mailing lists, societies or organisations involved in science communication in some way."


*Note 3:

There are a few recently quiet places that I didn't list here, like the Communication & Engagement Section of the Ecological Society of America. I also didn't list some excellent regional spaces, like the Science Writers of the Rocky Mountains. So be sure to supplement this directory with searches for organizations relevant to you to find subject- or region-specific spaces that you may want to join.


Jump into existing spaces

  • Bluesky seems to be the social media network where science communicators are hanging out (as of February 2024). You don't need an invite code to join, and these guides may help you have fun there.

  • Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement (CSCCE): centered around community-building in STEM spaces, not necessarily science communication, but facilitated and active.

  • Covering Science: "Supporting local reporters and editors who want to cover science." Run by The Open Notebook.

  • The Diversci Community of Practice is EU-based and explicitly goes outside of science engagement, but is very well organized: they have a LinkedIn group and meet regularly "in an informal and open setting, discussing and sharing ideas, point of views and testimonies that allow each of the participants to find their own approach to an equitable, diverse and inclusive organisation."

  • Institutional SciComm: I made this one! For folks who do comms for brands. Contact me to get added to the group.

  • Lifeology: mostly focused on science + art.

  • SciComm Coworking Discord: With coworking sessions every Thursday at 2PM UK time. "These coworking sessions usually run 2 hours, of which at least 90 minutes are fully silent, during which everyone works on their own projects."

  • SciComm Network: created by Julia Krolik. Used to skew toward freelancers and artists, but now has a lot of different folks. Is a little less early-career than other spaces.

  • Science Communication Trainers Network: This group hasn't been very active lately (as of early 2024), but I really appreciate the people in it and am hoping it picks back up.

  • The Scicommers Network: an extremely active and large community with facilitated programs that can provide you with feedback.


Join societies and engage with messages on email lists

  • There are multiple lists of scicomm societies online and in blog posts, like this one. Contact me if you want an updated/personalized opinion on any of these organizations!

  • See the collection of email lists I put on the scicomm jobs page to find out who's sending out regular newsletters and managing listservs. These can be useful because, for example, the day before I last updated this webpage, someone sent an announcement about a worldwide directory of fungal artists and someone else announced a new listserv for STEM authors.


Search for identity-centered groups

  • There are lots of groups centered around shared identity that you could find based on pairing "STEM", "science communication", or "scicomm" with a keyword that means something to you. For example, these  are just some of the groups that are stellar spaces for science communicators, even though they're broadly STEM-focused:

    • 500 Queer Scientists "ensure the next STEM generation has LGBTQ+ role models; help the current generation recognize they’re not alone; create opportunities for community connections and greater visibility within STEM".

    • 500 Women Scientists "works to build communities and foster real change that comes from small groups, not large crowds".

    • Academic Carers is a slack group for folks in higher education who take care of another human. Find the join link on this page.

    • Academic Mom, PhD and Academic Dad are both only on X, as far as I know.

    • Advancing Indigenous People in STEM is for students through professionals, and is dedicated to "substantially increasing the representation of Indigenous peoples of North America and the Pacific Islands in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) studies and careers".

    • Black in X has a network directory with 80+ organizations that are huge drivers of community​.

    • Disabled in STEM provides mentorship, resources, and community for folks with disabilities or chronic illness and for those who are neurodiverse.

    • Latinas in STEM "is a force from the community for the community".

    • Latinos in Science and Engineering "promotes, cultivates, and advances representation of Latino leadership and education in STEM".

    • LGBTQ+ STEM, which may be temporarily paused but still lists some great resources on their website.

    • Mothers in Science does everything from conduct research to host video discussions, and wants to "help build a society where nobody has to choose between having a career or a family".

    • Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics is "the largest chapter-based organization focused on LGBTQ+ people in STEM".

    • The Reclaiming STEM Institute "builds leadership and communication skills with marginalized scientists" to change who leads in STEM spaces.

    • SACNAS (Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science) "makes sure that those most underrepresented in STEM have the support they need to attain advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership".

    • Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers "is dedicated to the advancement of Asian heritage scientists and engineers in education and employment so that they can achieve their full career potential".

    • Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (for more than just engineers) "empowering the Hispanic community to realize its fullest potential and to impact the world through".

    • Trans in Stem I think exists only on X, but was still active as of January 2024.

  • Don't forget to do these same searches ​for identity-centered communities that aren't necessarily related to the sciences! Organizations like ASPIRE are incredibly supportive even though they aren't specifically science-related.

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