MWF, Feb 7 - 18, 12 - 1 pm ET
TikTok is on your to-do list. Figure it out faster.
TikTok could be more than dancing, memes, and generational duels- it could be how you do the scicomm you want to. But learning another whole system is *hard*. Where do you edit TikToks? How can you share other people’s videos? And you cannot get your YouTube vids down to 60 seconds!
Welllll… Did you know that you can edit off-platform and upload into TikTok? Did you know that TikTok’s video editor is actually pretty great? Did you know you can post 3-minute videos now and they’re considering 5-minute videos for the future?
I know you can get there on your own, but you don’t have that time to burn.
Think of me as your shortcut. Let’s work together through:
Mon, Feb 7 — Intro to the TikTok landscape
Wed, Feb 9 — Importing into TikTok
Fri, Feb 11 — Filming within TikTok
Mon, Feb 14 — Your TikTok strategy
Wed, Feb 16 — Going live on TikTok
Fri, Feb 18 — Looking ahead
All my workshops are interactive and product-driven. You’ll leave this course with a completed TikTok bio, multiple videos on your account, and an outline of your TikTok strategy. This is an intermediate-level course; we will not cover (for example) the fundamentals of storytelling, basic social media good practice, and videography.
This course costs $200 a person. If this is too expensive for you, please contact me. I have so far had a perfect track record of pitching courses like this to institutional sponsors, and I'd love to see if I can bring a more widely accessible course to you.
Join me to define and settle into your TikTok space.
I've delivered science communication training at multiple NatureJobs Career Expos and other conferences and for a variety of research-focused organizations. Past training contract clients include the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and the University of Georgia. You can view a sample of my portfolio here and see more of my past clients here.
My post-workshop polls show that up to 100% of participants feel ready to act on what they learned and would recommend my training to their colleagues. Specific feedback from participants includes:
“… instantly one of the best [professional development sessions] I've ever attended. The interactive part was great and allowed us to have a REAL takeaway that we can use. The presenter was contagiously enthusiastic.” (From a STEM-focused postdoc at the University of Virginia)
“…probably the 54 best-spent minutes reflecting on my scicomm ever, and it's just the beginning." (From a scientist and communicator at the University of Bergen, Norway, who then hired me to train students in their program)